Telematic shipping measures of collective dismissal, suspension of employment and reduced working hours laid down in the order ESS/ 982 / 2013 .
This service allows via the Internet, by companies, the communication to the public employment service Estatal (SEPE), before its effectiveness, of the measures of collective dismissal, suspension of employment and reduced working hours.
What is it?
It is about providing the opportunity to inform the public employment service Estatal (SEPE), businesses and before its effectiveness, the information concerning collective redundancies, suspension of employment and reduced working hours, although in no case may be extended this communication to the payment of unemployment benefits that might flow from the implementation of the aforementioned measures.
This communication can be made using the application of technology, through the XML files in XML format whose dispatch management manual. A user to, once the file has been created, proceed to select it and send it to the SEPE.
How does?
To useCertific@ implementation 2 users, people must have permission to the data transmission telematics public employment services, obtained previously as defined in the implementationContrat@, or electronic signature issued by any of thecertification authorities.
For XML files sent through access to the application Certific@ 2 , there are two levels of control:
- Format Control is carried out in real time, in the same time, which sends the file. In case of detection of error, specifies The file is sent for trial in the SEPE. Otherwise the file is sent to the SEPE for processing.
- Other controls. Was held when the file has been sent to the SEPE. As a result of this second level of control, there shall be to send an email to report to the final outcome of the process: processed properly or rejected, in which case be annexed to the errors detected.
In addition, each shipment can be put up 10 XML files.
The communication on the measures of collective dismissal, suspension of employment and reduced working hours can be carried out during the 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
What are the benefits?
Provides businesses the electronic media for the transmission of information to the SEPE, which is the simplification of formalities, cost savings and elimination of paper.
- For questions relating to collective redundancies, suspension of contracts or reduced working hours can contactLabour authorityor visit the correspondingLabour guide.
- For matters relating to the obligations, violations or sanctions arising from the breach of the order ESS/ 982 / 2013 can contactInspection of labour and Social security.
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january 2025 |
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october 2013 |
Relationship of email addresses to send the SEPE document “ business agreement ”. |
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june 2013 |
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september 2020 |
Clarification on the type of shipment and the type of transaction. |
161 Kb |
october 2013 |