Electronic Signature

Cl@ve platform

Cl@ve is a system designed to simplify and unify electronic access of citizens to public services. Its main objective is that the citizens can identify before the administration through concerted keys (user password), without having to remember different keys to access to the different services.

Cl@ve complements existing systems of access through DNI-e and electronic certificate, and offers the possibility of conducting signing in the cloud with personal certificates guarded in remote servers.

It is a common platform for the identification, authentication and electronic signature, an interoperable system and horizontal avoids public administrations have to implement and manage their own and identification systems signature, and citizens have to use different methods of identification to interact electronically with the administration.

Cl@ve enables applications of electronic administration can define the level of insurance in the quality of the authentication that wish, based on data that try and security classification of following the recommendations of the national security Scheme (Royal Decree3/2010, 8 January, which regulates the national security Scheme in the field of electronic administration). The citizen services user of electronic administration can then choose the identifier that you want to use among the available for the assurance level required by the application.

The system Cl@ve was adopted by Agreement of the council of ministers at its meeting of 19 September 2014.

Permitted identification systems

Cl@ve contemplates the use of identification systems based on concerted keys (systems of username and password) and electronic certificates (including the DNI-e).

As regards concerted keys, Cl@ve admits two possibilities of use:

  • Occasional Cl@ve (PIN Cl@vepassword: invalid very limited in time, aimed at users who access sporadically to services, which corresponds to the system PIN24H of AEAT.
  • Permanent Cl@ve (Personal Cl@vepassword: invalid lasting over time, but not unlimited, aimed at regular users. Corresponds to the system of access via username and password, reinforced with keys of a single use by SMS, to Social security services. This system will also be which will allow access to the citizen to signing in the cloud.

In order to use these keys and concerted signature services in the cloud, citizens should register earlier in the system, providing personal data necessary.

Additionally, Cl@ve is ready to incorporate into the future, as they are integrated into the system of cross-border recognition of electronic identities under European legislation, mechanisms for identification of other countries of the European Union.