
Applicable rules

Applicable rules

The communication of data using the Certific@ implementation 2 the same effects will be made by other means accepted in law.

The regulations governing the use of this service is detailed below:

  • The Order TIN/ 790 / 2010 , 24 march, governing the compulsory shipment by companies in the company's certificate SEPE through electronic means.
  • The Order ESS/ 484 / 2013 , 26 march, by abolishing the exemption of sending the transitory company certificate provided for in art. 5 . 1 .b, of the order TIN/ 790 / 2010 , for companies with less than 10 workers.
  • Authorization for data transmission telematics public employment services provided for in article 7 the royal decree 1424 / 2002 , 27 december, regulates the content of contracts of employment and basic copies public employment services and the use of telematics media in connection with that, and articles 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 and 11 of the order TAS 770 / 2003 , 14 march, the royal decree 1424 / 2002 , 27 december.
  • The management of data on periods of activity for the application for resumption of benefits and unemployment benefits is regulated by section 13 . 5 the royal decree 625 / 1985 , 2 april.
  • The obligation to accompany the certificate of business to unemployment benefit application is regulated by section 21 . 5 the royal decree 625 / 1985 , 2 april, the Law 31 / 1984 , 2 august, unemployment protection, as amended by royal decree 200 / 2006 , 17 february.
  • The data of the company is provided for in articles 21 . 5 and 27 the royal decree 625 / 1985 , 2 april, and 298 (d) of the revised text of the General Social security law, approved by royal Legislative Decree 8 / 2015 , 30 october.
  • The receipt of presentation is governed by article 6 . 3 the royal decree 772 / 1999 , 7 may, which regulates the submission of requests, submissions and communications to the General state administration, copies of documents and return of original and the regime of registration offices.
  • Order TAS/ 3261 / 2006 , 19 october, which regulates the content of the certificate of enterprise and other data relating to periods of employment of workers and the use of telematics media in connection with that, in the Royal Decree 625 / 1985 , 2 april.
  • Royal Decree 1424 / 2002 , 27 december, regulates the content of contracts of employment and basic copies public employment services and the use of telematics media in connection with that, and articles 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 and 11 of the order TAS 770 / 2003 , 14 march, the royal decree 1424 / 2002 , 27 december.
  • Royal Decree 263 / 1996 , 16 february, which regulates the use of electronic, computer and information technology, by the General state administration, as amended by royal decree 209 / 2003 , 21 february.
  • Royal Decree 1483 / 2012 , 29 in october, which approves the rules of procedure of the collective redundancies and suspension of contracts and reduced working hours, in paragraph one of its final provision second gives new wording of article 22 the royal decree 625 / 1985 , 2 april, which develops the law 31 / 1984 , 2 in august — protection by unemployment.
  • ESS/order 982 / 2013 , 20 may, which regulates the content and modalities for referral of the communication that should make their employers to the operator of unemployment benefits in the collective redundancies, and suspension of contracts and reduced working hours.