
Request for authorization of beginning of the formative activity of contracts for training and learning

"Formative activity of the contract for the training and learning will be previously authorized to its start by the public employment service competent"(Article 16.7 the royal decree 15 29/2012, 8 November, which develops the contract for the training and learning and set the foundations of vocational training dual and Article 6 the order ESS/25 18/2013, 26 December.)

This application allows you to apply to the corresponding public employment service the authorization of beginning of the formative activity of contracts for training and learning.

With this application you may request and register electronically, the authorization of contracts whose job is located in an autonomous community who has signed the collaboration agreement for the use of the Electronic Record of public service state employment. In any case, companies that hire in Ceuta or Melilla.

In the login screen of the application reports on the autonomous communities that have signed the convention. If your Autonomous Community is not listed in the relationship, you should contact the Public employment Service in the same for the application.


To make the request, fill in each of the sections of the form as completely and accurately as possible. Each section consists of a screen. Moving from one screen to another will store the information entered. In this way, you can interrupt the completion and resume it at another time, keeping the data already provided. When you have completed your completion save and send. Once the request has been sent, it is not possible to modify the information entered in it. Save a copy or print it by clicking on the corresponding options. An application will be completed and submitted, for each contract for training and learning to be formalized whose training activity is aimed at obtaining a:

The person requesting the start authorization must be in possession of an electronic certificate or eDNI.

Before completing the application you must take into account the following aspects:

  • The training activity will be carried out in centers or companies duly authorized or accredited by the educational or labor administrations. Center search engine.
  • The training activity will be related to the work activity performed in the job or occupation object of the contract. Search for Professional Certificates related to occupations.
  • The worker must meet the access requirements established in the corresponding regulations to teach the teaching of said training activity.
  • The training will be rewarded when it leads to the obtaining of Professional Training Titles, Professional Certificates and Academic Certification or Accumulated partial accreditation.
  • In the development of the training activity, a general planning of it will be attached (see model) 
  • In the event that the training is carried out jointly between the center and the company in any of the modalities established in article 3.1 of RD 1529/2012, of November 8, a document will be attached in which the collaboration between the company and the center.

If the request submitted does not meet the required requirements, it will be notified so that within ten business days, the applicant can correct the faults or accompany the mandatory documents, indicating that if he did not do so, he will be withdrawn from his petition, as established in article 71 of Law 30/1992, of November 26, on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and the Common Administrative Procedure.

The request will be resolved within a maximum period of one month from the date of its entry in the Registry. The non-resolution within said period, legitimizes the interested parties to understand estimated their request for administrative silence, in accordance with the provisions of article 16.9 of Royal Decree 15 29/2012, of November 8, which develops the contract for the training and learning and the foundations of dual vocational training are established.

For any questions about this application you can contact the corresponding Public Employment Service.