
Request for unemployment subsidy for casual workers SEASS's

Help about the rules for the calculation of the declared income

  • Regular income (wages, pensions, rentals, interests, compensation for termination of the contract for the amount that exceeds the legal), please fill in the total amount of the income derived in the 12 months prior to the date of application.
  • Revenue received in a single payment (compensation perceived by the extinction of contract by the amount that exceed the legal compensation, lottery prizes), please fill in the amount paid in 12 months prior to the date of application. In case of alienation of real estate, with the exception of the habitual housing, capital gains furniture, rescue of pension plans, etc., please fill in the yield in the 12 months prior to the application, by the difference between the price of transmission and acquisition or gain net assets's statement if the IRPF fired. Other patrimonial profits obtained in the 12 months prior to the request: fill in the amount obtained from the difference between profit and loss of property.
  • If at the time of the request has assets of heritage, estate investment funds and real estate, funds or retirement plans or any other form of capital investment, with the exception of housing usually occupied by the applicant and assets whose income have already been computed, please fill in "Other annuities", the result of applying the 50 % of legal interests of the existing money on the value of the asset, fund or plan.

The data found in the application will be verified by the public employment service State with existing information in the competent authority.