
Request for unemployment subsidy for casual workers SEASS's

Initial high aid agricultural subsidy

Number of days required

To access this allowance is deemed to comply with the requirement of having the minimum contribution period of 35 days:

Bearing covered in the special system for salaried workers Agrarian included in the General regime of Social security (SEASS) or in the former Agricultural Special Regime of Social security a minimum of 35 real days listed in the 12 months prior to the situation of unemployment. These effects can compute the days worked in temporary agricultural work abroad, provided that the addresses of Areas and Heads of dependence on Labour and immigration delegations Subdelegations or of government have visa on employment contract and certify the days performed. May counted real days quoted in Andalucía and Extremadura by regular workers agrarian discontinuous, provided that maintain that status at the time of the request, which have not been used to obtain a right above, the unemployment benefit contributory level or unemployment benefits, and have been performed in the 12 calendar months immediately preceding the unemployment situation.

The period of computation of contributions in the 12 calendar months immediately preceding the unemployment situation is retrotraerá for time equivalent to that the worker had remained in temporary incapacity or maternity, provided that the corresponding days have not been taken into account for the birth of a prior right.

In the case of older unemployed 35 years or below that age with family responsibilities, to complete the minimum number of thirty-five days they can compute contributions made to the General Regime of Social security during work rendered in works affected the program of Agricultural employment promotion or other similar, in the 12 months immediately preceding the unemployment situation, provided that, at least, have been completed 20 real days to special system for salaried workers Agrarian included in the General regime of Social security or the old Special Regime agrarian, if it has been the recipient of the grant during the previous year or whenever you have paid at least 30 real days to special system for salaried workers Agrarian included in the General regime of Social security or in the old regime Particular agrarian, if not grant perceiver in the year immediately preceding the unemployment situation.

Can also access the subsidy workers who, having been recipients of employment in the year 1983 grant recipients and agricultural or the old REASS allowance in the year immediately preceding the application, credited a minimum of 20 real days listed the special system for salaried workers Agrarian included in the General regime of Social security or the old Agricultural Special Regime. For accreditation of those days may counted quotations made to the General Regime of Social security during the twelve months immediately preceding the unemployment situation, on the occasion of work rendered in works affected the program of Agricultural Employment.