
Active insertion income application

Initial high aid for returned emigrant

In accordance with article 173 of the Penal Code, the following shall be considered a victim of domestic violence:

  • To the woman who suffers violence exerted by her parents or her children.
  • To the man who suffers violence exerted by his spouse, ex-spouse, or, person linked to him by analogous affective relationship (unmarried partner), or by his parents or by his children.

You must meet, in addition to the general requirements, the following:

  • Have the status of victim of domestic violence accredited by the competent Administration.
  • Not be a beneficiary of social aid for not being able to participate in employment programs.

Victims of gender or domestic violence, who have been forced and prove change of residence in the 12 months prior to the application for admission to the Active Insertion Income program, or during their stay in it, may receive a payment Only one supplementary aid of an amount equivalent to the amount of three months of active insertion income from the day following that on which it is requested.

This aid may be received only once for each right to admission to the active insertion income program.

The application for aid for a change of residence must be submitted to the Employment Office where the victim is registered. The change of address must prove it by presenting in said office a certification / report from the Social Services of the competent Autonomous or Local Public Administration, or by any other document that proves, in a reliable manner, that said change was effective (receipts, changes of domiciliation of accounts or bank card, etc.).