
Initial high aid per person with a disability

You must meet, in addition to the general requirements, the following specific ones:

  • Be continuously registered in the employment office as a job seeker for 12 or more months. (The claim is considered interrupted if a cumulative period of 90 or more days has been worked in the 365 days prior to the application date).
  • If you have worked a cumulative period of 90 or more days in the 365 days prior to the application date.
    • If you have gone abroad, for any reason or duration, except if said departure has been due to marriage or the birth of a child, death or serious illness of the spouse or relatives up to the second degree, or fulfillment of an inexcusable duty of a public or personal nature, provided that in these cases the stay abroad has not exceeded 15 calendar days.

In cases of demand interruption, an uninterrupted period of 12 months will be required from the new registration.

  • It is mandatory to provide the documentation of the active job search declaration (BAE) to prove before the State Public Employment Service that at least three active job search actions have been carried out, as established in Royal Decree-Law 16 / 2014, of December 19.
  • Have a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33% or have a recognized disability that implies a decrease in their working capacity of the percentage indicated above.
  • Having terminated the contributory-level unemployment benefit and / or the assistance-level unemployment benefit, unless the termination has occurred due to the imposition of a sanction and not being entitled to these benefits. The worker who has extinguished the unemployment subsidy or the agricultural income in favor of the eventual agrarian will not meet the requirement, not having extinguished any other type of unemployment benefit or subsidy.

Note: If you are a recipient of a non-contributory invalidity pension and your application for Active Insertion Income is approved, the Public State Employment Service will notify the Organism competent in the management of your pension of your incorporation into the program as well as that admission is conditioned on the receipt of a certificate issued by said Agency that proves that you will no longer receive the non-contributory invalidity pension from the date on which the accrual of the Active Insertion Income begins.