
Recognition of the extension of grants

ONLY FOR ACCESS THROUGH CL@VE: In order to sign a process at the SEPE, should be the registration of advanced level in the system Cl@ve, either in person, an office to a public employee enabled for that purpose, or on-line, after authentication of the citizen through an electronic certificate recognized

Videoguía para solicitar el reconocimiento de tu prórroga de subsidio de desempleo

Esta guía de uso en formato video, muestra los pasos a seguir para solicitar el reconocimiento de tu prórroga de subsidio de desempleo, reconocido con anterioridad y no agotado

Here you can apply for the recognition of your extension of unemployment benefit, recognized and not previously exhausted.

This service allows you to request and acknowledge the unemployment allowance, granted initially for a period of six months, which is extended every six months, reaching its maximum duration, retaining the requirements originally claimed at their perception.

For the recognition of the six-month extension need:

  • Have a username and password obtained through cl@ve system, digital certificate or Italy. To complete the procedures that require signature, it is imperative, when accessed with username and password cl@ve, mobile phone and matches in cl@ve.
  • Registration as a jobseeker with the employment service or autonomous if residing in Ceuta and Melilla, in the public employment service.
  • Declare family responsibilities.
  • Declare that it is not exceed the limits of their established.
  • You agree to the data available.

This service is available 8:00 h 20:00 h from monday to friday.

If you want information about other benefits in the public employment service you can find it in State Information about other benefits or contact via Telephone