Applicable rules
- Access
- Availability
- Confirmation
- Timing
- Communication of periods of Activity
- Company certificate
- Storage of information
- Discerning of workers affected by You
- Transmission of data on collective redundancies, suspension of employment and reduced working hours, provided for in the order ESS/ 982 / 2013
To use the application Certific@ 2 users, people must have permission to the data transmission telematics public employment services, obtained previously as defined in the implementation Contrat@, or electronic signature issued by any of thecertification authorities.
Data of the company and periods of employment of workers discontinuous and disciplinary procedures in employment regulations of suspension or reduction of time could be carried out during 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The application is determined by date and time spanish official for the peninsula, Ceuta, Melilla and the archipelago which is contained in e-mail.
The software application renders a confirmation of receipt, outlining the data provided, the date and time of receipt and an identification key transmission.
The confirmation message, which may be filed, and has the value of the receipt of submission according to current regulations.
The user is warned that she did not receive the confirmation message, or receive an error message or inadequacy of transmission, mean that there has been the reception.
The reception in the implementation Certific@ 2 data from different from those stipulated no effect and will not submitted, communicating the issuer or the radio station, this problem.
The transmission of data received in one day permanently available means in the first hour of the first business day following. In the seat of the entry shall be registered as the date and time of submission those in which there was indeed the reception, shows as the date and time of entry effective zero hours and a second of the first business day following.
Communication of periods of Activity
Those users of the implementation Certific@ 2 should either report the data of labour activity of the month or previous months. The communication of periods of activity can be carried out during the 24 hours a day 365 days a year, taking the prior authorization of the worker.
Telematic transmission of data by an authorized user on the periods of employment of workers discontinuous or affected by a record in employment regulations of suspension or reduction of time, will allow the management by the operator of the request for the reopening of benefits and unemployment benefits of such workers.
Company certificate
Telematic transmission of data by an authorized user will be the exemption of the worker or employee of the obligation to accompany the certificate of company to unemployment benefit application.
Storage of information
Are incorporated into a database all data received through the application Certific@ 2 .
The request for information by those workers or their representatives on the data or its absence will be answered by the public employment service.
Discerning of workers affected by You
It is about providing the opportunity to inform the public employment service Estatal (SEPE) any company that had Internet access, the initial high level in all those workers affected by a termination, suspension or reduction of the ordinary working a result of a File.
This communication can be made using the application of technology, through the XML files in XML format whose dispatch management manual. A user to, once the file has been created, proceed to select it and send it to the SEPE.
For the generation of this XML file, there is an assistant within theCertific@ implementation 2 .
Transmission of data on collective redundancies, suspension of employment and reduced working hours, provided for in the order ESS/ 982 / 2013
In the communications of this service provides the possibility ofto make shipments type, and high initial shipments of such data variation, which can supplement or modify the information provided in the initial high.